10,082 individuals have found Salvation in Jesus Christ through The Brian Romero Ministries Networks.

When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, you inherit all the promises of our Heavenly Father that are only found in His Son. Our mission is for the whole world to experience a radical encounter with Jesus Christ through the power of the World Wide Web.

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Weekly Live Prayer

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Life can present challenges and moments of uncertainty, but you don't have to face them alone. Whether you're navigating a personal struggle, experiencing loss, seeking guidance, or simply in need of encouragement, Brian & Nicole are here to lift you up in prayer.

Submit your prayer requests confidentially, and our compassionate Pastors, will intercede on your behalf. We believe in the profound impact of prayer and the comfort it can bring during times of difficulty.

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Join Brian Romero for prayer every Monday and Wednesday afternoon at 12pm PST on YouTube. We would love to pray for you and agree with you for everything you are expecting our Heavenly Father to do in your life.
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